Yep I want a Monkey…

I might be in love with Mini pigs…

or pigs of any size really, but this little critter is crazy gorgeous. I am so in love with this video. Gets my vote as the cutest video of the year. Sweet little baby monkey Zoe… what a gem… I guess Grandma feels loved now!!


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Did you know there are over 260 known species of Monkeys in the world. Unfortunately their intelligence has seen them subjected to laboratory experimentation over the years. Hopefully this will end with the campaigning and awareness growing around the world.  Monkeys share the same emotions as humans and this has been documented. they even smile….so the reaction of this little guy is very similar to a child who misses one of their favourite people…


There are  two categories of Monkeys – the New World and the Old World Monkeys. They have fingers like ours and have been known to use tools.

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