Chris P Bacon, Pig in a wheelchair. Adventures part 2

Chris P Bacon, Pig in a wheelchair.

Adventures part 2


As Chris P Bacon grows,  so does the adventure. What a delightful life he is having. Wouldn’t it be lovely if eveyone had this attitude to animals. And not just the disabled ones. Pigs are one of the worst treated in the factory farming system currently…no don’t worry Im not going to get on my soap box. I will leave it to you to explore those sad facts for yourself.

But hats off to this man and the love he has for his pig..

Chris P Bacon, Pig in a wheelchair. Adventures part 2

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A story of a sweet pig:

The Nest

A pregnant Vietnamese Potbellied Sow was living in a barn adjacent to a flower garden, both within sight of the owners house. Though the due date was not certain, it did not seem imminent, and the barn would be a comfortable place to give birth when the time came. Then early one morning, the owner looked out of her window to a puzzling sight. A long row of white impatiens flowers had totally disappeared. Hearing some sounds outside her field of vision, she investigated, and came upon her sow with a litter of new piglets, all lying in the middle of a perfectly round circle of white flowers. Somehow the mother had found her way out of the barn, spent the night collecting  hundreds of floweres, presumably one by one, carrying them to the nest site, carefully arranging them in a circle, all while in the most advanced state of pregnancy possible. and all in total darkness. Then she had delivered her family in this lovely nest. As Charlotte the spider might say, “Some Pig”.


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